Mastering a Success Mindset & The 8 Step Success Blueprint with Diane Forster

Diane. Thank you for joining us. 

My pleasure, Taylor, thanks so much for having me. 

Well, it’s been great talking with you so far. And today we’re going to talk about, I think probably the most important aspect, the most important thing we need to do as investors, entrepreneurs, passive wealth builders, when escaping the wall street casino, managing our mindset and for our listeners out there who don’t know about you and what you do, can you tell us about yourself, your background, your business, and what you do, and then we’ll get into.

Absolutely. Again, thank you for having me. I’m Diane Forster and I run a company called I have today, which is a transformation. Education and media companies and our primary audience are women in their forties and above and what we call the second chapter of their lives, where we help them to reinvent their lives and transform both personally and professionally.

And we start with. First, and then we move into, the tactical strategy, whatever it is that thing is that they are trying to build. So each one of our clients is very different. They have their own paths, their own journey, but they all ultimately want the same thing and they want. Independence.

They want freedom. They want a can-do lifestyle. They want to wake up every day fulfilled and feel like they’re living with passion and purpose. So we do that through our coaching program, through our TV show or podcast, our live events, and online products, offline products. So that’s what we do in the business.

And my background, how I got into this and started doing this was I. 32 years in advertising and television sales. I worked in the ad agency business in LA for eight years before moving to Chicago and switched to television sales. And I spent the last 20 years of my career at ABC television, which was great.

And I was in sales and marketing. And so that was my background. And what led to my reinvention was two things. I invented a kitchen. Out of the blue one day in the kitchen, I had frustration in the kitchen and came up with an idea and

actually went through the process of seeing this idea through not knowing what I was doing.

Just taking one step in front of the other, and it ended. Winning an innovation award at the international houseware show, which led to a QVC appearance where we sold out in six minutes and that opened my eyes to entrepreneurship and said, wow, I can really create something from nothing. And then the creation of I have today was my personal journey, my personal hurdle of a very unhappy, unhealthy relationship and marriage that like.

Jory short and I don’t mean to be glib about it, but led to a suicide attempt. That was my wake-up call. And that moment really shook me to the core, got me to wake up what am I here for? What’s this all about? And to completely reinvent my own life. And so now I’m so passionate about helping others to not stay in a ho-hum existence.

If you’re not happy, even if it’s an, a. So abusive as you think, if you’re not happy then something needs to change. And what I discovered Taylor is it really is all about the mindset. It starts with the mindset and that is our. Limiting beliefs, our fear, our doubt, our guilt, all of those negative emotions that are things that we are carrying around with us.

And they are living in the subconscious mind and literally running the show. They’re running your life, whether you realize that or not. I don’t deep, deep, deep into that, into understanding that as an understanding, the mind, understanding the brain, understanding, the metaphysical and law of attraction and all of these things and how all of this stuff tied together.

And when I started to really understand that and understood my power, my whole life started to change. And I said this is phenomenal. Having an extraordinary life. And now I have to take what I’ve learned and helped teach it to others so that they too can feel inspired, empowered, aligned, and living an intentional life.

So that’s what led me. 

Wow. That’s great. There’s so much in there and I appreciate you being so open and sharing about, those positive and the negative experiences there that, that led you to where you are too. And you mentioned one thing in particular that I’ve struggled with over the years and I think is a continuing area for improvement with a lot of folks, maybe you gotta keep working on limiting beliefs.

I’d really like to, let’s dig into that a little bit and learn about why they’re so important and why it’s important to know about them and get beyond them because it’s an a, is a huge topic for anyone looking at. Re-invent themselves and especially, the way they make money, right?

Yes, totally. Totally. So limiting beliefs, a limiting belief is just to believe that a belief that you just keep thinking over and over again, and when we’re born and come into this earthly experience, we are a blank slate. We don’t have them. There are only two fears that we have fear of loud noises and fear of being dropped.

Like those are the only two innate ones. Everything else we pick up from our parents, from the media, from siblings, from teachers, from bullies, you name it, it’s all coming in. And what happens is it can, it only takes a moment. For a limiting belief to anchor in you for you to say, I’ll buy that.

That’s true. Monsters are scary or we get told the word know 7,000 times by the time we’re eight years old. So we get told no, you can’t do that. No. That’s in there. And 85% of our limiting beliefs. W R anchored by the time we’re eight years old. So we go in, in our timeline, I’ll just run through the quick.

We have the first imprint years or birth to eight years old. And then we have modeling years from eight to 13, 14, where we start copying things like you, like your older, brother’s an athlete and you want to be just like him or, things like that. And then from 14 to the age about 21.

Are the socialization years. And that’s when a lot of our true limiting beliefs start really taking an effect on us where, if you’re in high school age and you have a bad day and no one’s talking to you, you just want them, you want your life to end. Like you feel like the whole world is caving in on you.

And so there’s a lot of mindset stuff that’s going on there. Then we move into the professional years from 22 to. 35 or so. And we get into this sort of this is what I’m supposed to do with my life. I was supposed to go to school. Now I’m

Mastering a Success Mindset & The 8 Step Success Blueprint with Diane Forster

supposed to get a job. Maybe now I’m supposed to get married and start having a family.

And we start putting our priorities towards that. By the time we’re 35 years old, according to Dr. Joe Dispenza, our personality is pretty much. And so the reason why I work with people 40 and older is that all of a sudden the questioning starts happening and life starts transitioning again. And then changes start to happen.

Again, divorce has happened. Just grow up, they go off to college, you’re just in this new phase. All of those limiting beliefs from when you were young, especially in those teen years, if they have not been handled or addressed, get reactivated again. So a limiting belief that you, you take on that happens to you in a moment you carry around for years.

It’s crazy. And so you are. Immediate reaction. Most people’s immediate reaction is if there’s something that’s an unknown, like making an investment, doing something like that, fear is going to kick in. Doubt is going to kick in all those limiting beliefs are going to are telling you. No. Your subconscious mind is programmed to keep you safe.

It’s an antiquated system. So it’s meant to keep that. Fight or flight reaction to things and it loves familiarity. So it’s been running on the same programming. If you think about it, if you’re thinking about the same thoughts today that you did yesterday, it’s not your fault. It’s just, you’re running on old programming.

So it’s really hard to break through that if you’re not doing anything differently and the fear of it and the programming keeps so many people stuck. That’s why they can’t. Make those changes. They want to make them, trying to make them from a conscious place, but it’s happening in the subconscious mind.

So it’s really fascinating. Sorry about that. Really fascinating. Yeah. 

I think that what you said about the subconscious mind, really making the decision is a really important aspect of this that, that maybe we don’t inherently appreciate in how. Emotions, our decision, our, how our emotions impact our decision-making and then really how we, once we understand that, how can we start using that to our benefit or our advantage and making this a decisions in our days with our lives too.

Using those emotions to benefit us in the direction that we want to go. So can you tell us more about how we can start to use that knowledge to our advantage and reshape our mindset and head in the direction we want to go with our lives? 

Absolutely. I call it the ABC’s awareness, but gets changed. The first thing you have to do is start to become aware of it.

When you’re making a decision let’s, let’s talk about real estate. If somebody is thinking about making an investment into, a purchase into an investment property, and they’re afraid that like during the pandemic, there were all sorts of fears coming up with that.

If you can just at first be aware that, wait, is this really true? Or is this just a belief I have? Based on what the outside world is telling me what history is telling me that growing up with parents who, had to work three jobs just to keep food on the table would tell me that money doesn’t grow on trees.

Is this really like to really be inquisitive about it? Test it out. Start right there. Of course. Affirmations, pop, listen, listening to powerful, empowering positive things. Definitely helps you have to feed this. This computer. That’s what it is. If you think about it, I sh I share this story all the time in my world, but think about your phone for a minute.

Your, imagine your phone is the same exact age that you are, and it’s never had a software upgrade was no antivirus software in it at all, there how slow and sick would this run, it would only be able to do a few programs or, few operations and, But think about it, you program this, there’s only a few things that come on it, but you’re feeding it the rest of the stuff.

And what are you feeding this? How even are you using this? We’re surrounded by 7,000 impressions a day of things mostly that are telling us. There’s something wrong with you. You need this thing in order to be better. We’re getting that constantly. So what we have to do is feed this mind and feed ourselves the positive things.

Like you’re amazing. You’re extraordinary. You’re a creator. You can do anything you want. You’re limited by nothing. And it starts with. The awareness being aware that is this really true or is this just a limiting belief that I bought a long time ago that somebody said to me that I grew up in this atmosphere?

That’s affecting me. And when you re realize it, now it’s not true. I don’t have to believe that why are some people successful and others aren’t it’s strictly one thing is the way they think it’s truly the way they. And it comes from there. So how to do that? Start feeding yourself positivity.

All our programming is uplifting positive. We always give three strategies on how you can change your life today for the better, all of that. There’s so much out there that’s available, but you’ve got to find it. And you got to program your mind and program your phone and your device and start feeding this.

Machine with the positivity and it can start to shift and start to shift fast. Yeah. 

I think the, especially mentioning the phone in this context is very important because as we’ve gotten more digitally connected, we’ve actually given more of the control. If you will, for our mindset to basically tech companies.

Understand psychology better than we do. And they can pump things into our brains, not just advertisements, but say negativity or what have you, as you said, 7,000 impressions about, you’re not good enough, blah, blah, blah. So and so on and so forth. We might not even realize that’s coming our way, but it is unless you take control of it and get that stuff out of your life.

It’s so true. And it’s hard. It’s hard for a lot of people. They’re so programmed, they wake up in the morning and they turn on the news or they wake up in the morning. What’s worse. The first thing they do is pick up their phone. They check their texts, they check the news, You’ve already lost.

You’ve already given your power away. First thing in the day, instead of taking care of you first nurture yourself first. And so it’s, it is that then they know this, that, the tech companies know this, they all know this, that this. It’s terrible to say, but it is the truth. And I worked in that industry for many years, 53 hours of news, a week on a regular TV station, like that’s one station running 53 hours of news a week and there’s, a bazillion sources out there.

And so what happens to us, and this is really important for the audience to understand. It’s not just you’re watching it and it’s having an effect on you. It’s having such an effect on you because your subconscious mind cannot tell the difference between the truth and a lie.

It also doesn’t know past present future. So if you’re watching, a gun shooting or violence or any of that, Your body, your mind thinks it’s happening to you. So all of this stuff is going on with you on a cellular level, and it’s aggravating all of that and it’s making it worse. So it’s really important to make sure that you’re feeding yourself the positivity, the good stuff.

Yeah. Yeah. 

Okay. So I’m somebody I like to basically look at folks who are successful. Not steal, but copy as much as I can of what they do. Yeah. Yeah. Modeling. There you go. And really learn from their experience and you have an eight step blueprint. That I would love to hear more about, because I love blueprints.

I love models. I love things that I can just mimic and be successful with. So let’s dive into that. 

So the eight step blueprint is to the habit all life. Like you can literally have anything if you follow this fruit blueprint. And I know we talked a little bit before the show about. Process called Jennifer festing too.

So I’ll tie those two things in together because they do work together. So the first thing that we do in any of my work is we do work on the mindset. First, we have to get you in a space and a place where you’re open and receptive and ready for change. You have to be ready for it because otherwise you’re going to stay stuck in your old habits because of the programming that’s running.

So we definitely work on mindset first and every day throughout the day. Like it’s a muscle that you work every single day. Then the blueprint is how to be an inspired action every day. And that’s getting crystal clear about what it is you want. That’s so important. You have to know where you are right now.

And then what, where do you want to be? One to three years from now? That’s how I do it. So we take the eight key areas of your life and I take them through an eight step blueprint that starts with visualize it. You’ve got to know what it is you want, then you have to prioritize. And then you have to assess it.

Okay. Where am I on this scale from where I am now, where I want to go, then you have to estimate it and organize it. How much time is this going to take? How can I get this done? And then you start to implement it and then it starts to transform it. And then you go back and you evaluate. So evaluating it at that point means you should have that thing, that you were your goal.

You should have achieved it. If you’ve done all the steps. And if you haven’t, then you go back up to assess it because when we’re assessing back in that state, Or stage you, you know what you do know. And then, you know what you don’t know, but you don’t know what you don’t know. And that only comes with following the process.

So that’s your chance to go back and go, all right, what did I know? How can I do this? How can I, implement, transform and have this happen? And then the eighth step is you have it. So it’s an easy, and it’s so simple tale. We make things so complicated and they’re not because what we do is we think about these big, massive goals.

And then we get overwhelmed by them. Instead of chucking them down, I call it smokeless and, focus on small goals. First I pull it back and then, so that you can achieve the goals and my clients get massive results. Like I do for the, the record. Woman completely changed our lives.

She had nine things on the list she wanted to change and she had all nine and 90 days. She was like, how did this happen? And then at one woman who holds the record for the fastest launch of a business, which was six weeks where it was up running in revenue wow. When you get super clear, On it, you get your mindset in check and you follow a formula.

Your life can shift so incredibly fast. It’s so phenomenal, but we get in our own way. We think I can’t, it’s too hard. It’s out there and it’s not out there. If you want something by the time you’re aware that you want. N to get a little woo-hoo it’s already created on a vibrational level. Like it’s already yours to have.

Now you just, you got to catch up to that knowing and understanding it. Okay. How, show me the way, bring me the signs and let me follow this blueprint. And that’s Jennifer testing. You’re using, you’re tapping into. Both the physical and the metaphysical, and the mindset work and the strategy at the same time, you’re tapping into every available resource, which is why results happen so fast.

Your heart is actually your first mind. It has thinking capabilities. So trust your intuition and gut.

Nice. That’s so there are a lot of great things in there. I’m not going to be able to dissect all of them really here, but I think having a process to go through, especially when you get to a point and you look back and assassin, oh, maybe I didn’t exactly get where I want to go. If you don’t have a process that says, yeah, you can go back and, redo this or step back, learn from what you did and go through it again.

You might be saying discouraged, oh, I didn’t do it the first time around. I’m just going to give up. No, you gotta keep working at it and keep going. And I like that, it’s really about going in and making it happen and seeing it and then, going and doing it. I think that’s a very empowering.

Mindset to have that the idea of how can I afford it rather than I can’t afford it. It’s much better to say, how can I do it then? I’ll I just, I can’t go do it. So yeah, I love that. 

How can I make it happen? Because you can make it happen. If as long as you have the will to make it happen you will find the way you really will find the way.

And you might, I don’t believe in mistakes and I don’t believe in failures. I’m big on language. That’s a very big part of law of attraction. Manifesting what you want is your thoughts, create your feelings, which creates your communication, which creates your outcomes. So if your I can’t, or your, should have ING and doing all that kind of stuff, that keeps all that stuff away.

So words. Like doubt, fear, failure, mistakes. I don’t believe in, cause they’re not, they’re just all than. Along the way and growth opportunities, Thomas Edison thousand times to get the light bulb, 999 ways, how not to do it. He was learning the whole time. He was sorta doing my blueprint, he was going back and, evaluating and seeing what didn’t work.

It’s always part of the growth experience. That’s all it is. It’s not a failure. It’s not a mistake just because it didn’t work this way. Doesn’t mean it won’t work a different way or you won’t figure out something else along the way, it’s yeah. Nice. 

I love that right now.

We’re going to take a quick break for our sponsor. All right, Diana, I’ve got three questions. I ask every guest on the show. Are you. 

I’m ready. 

Great. The first one, what is the best investment you ever made other than in your education?

The best investment I ever made. Oh my gosh. Other than my educator, truly my education is the best.

Everybody says.

Honestly, I think the best investment I ever made was in having my children. If I could say that all the time, all the testing, all the, I was told I would never have children and I just refuse to take that for an answer.

So I invested a lot of myself. A lot of myself, physically, a lot of myself monetarily into that and ended up with a son and a daughter who are twins and truly the. They are the gift of my life. I would say that, and then the second one would be the home that they grew up in. It was something that I wanted for them.

I grew up moving around a lot and I wanted my children to be born and go through all their school years in one home. And that happened for them. So that was a good investment too. 

I’ll say a lot of meeting in both of those. So I certainly appreciate that. We had the best investment that would go to the other side of that coin, the worst investment.

What is the worst investment you ever made? 

The worst investment I ever made was working with a friend of a friend who advised me to invest with him. And it’s truly was a disaster and ended up being a Ponzi scheme and I lost a lot of money. Yep. That was a big lesson along the way in my life.


Now what I want to say about that to anyone who’s listening, who’s ever had this happen. You know what? It took me a long time to get over that, but I’m over that, and now there’s unlimited money in the world, so I can always attract. I can always make more. What a valuable lesson I learned that I now teach my clients.

So had that experienced not happened to me. I wouldn’t have the knowledge that I have today to guide them when they’re investing. So that’s not Pollyanna or just seeing the silver lining. That’s true, that was a lesson I had to, apparently, I had to learn a painful, hard one.

Yeah, turn it into an advantage.

My favorite question here at the end of the show is what is the most important lesson you’ve learned in business and investing? 

To always trust your intuition and trust your gut. It never ever steers you wrong. Anytime I’ve gone against my intuition, it’s been it, it didn’t usually didn’t turn out well or it didn’t turn out the way I hoped it would, but that you’ve got to, you’ve got to know in your gut, your heart, here’s the thing.

Your heart is actually your first mind. It has thought capabilities. I don’t know if you know this is scientifically proven through the HeartMath Institute. So the brain is going to go to the logic. But when you feel it in the heart and it feels good and it pulls you this way yes.

I want to go, I want to do that. Listen to that, because that is your guidance. If there’s just my trust, my gut here. Like I got this gut feeling about something that is definite. Don’t go against it. And any knowledge that you have in your life you will not miss an opportunity because there’s always another opportunity, usually a better one.

So don’t have FOMO. Don’t feel that trust your gut, trust your intuition. 

Nice. Diane, thank you for joining us today and thank you for what you’re putting out there in the world as well, helping folks. And if folks want to reach out, if they want to find you on the internet, they want to learn more about you or any of that great stuff.

Where can they track you? 

My website is, D I A N E F O R S T E R. Go check me out there if you want to send my team or by email. It’s [email protected]. And then the show is called. I Have Today with Diane Forester, just Google me. I pop up everywhere. Literally all my social, everything is out there.

So if you search me, you’ll find me.

Great. Thank you once again for joining us today to everybody out there. Thank you for tuning in. If you’re enjoying the show, please leave us a rating or review on apple podcast. That’s much appreciated that helps other people learn about the show. It helps us rank higher in the apple podcast ecosystem, and it helps me feel good.

I get to see that you guys are engaging with the content and learning from the show. Escaping the wall street casino. Along with us. If you know anyone who could use a little bit more passive wealth in their lives, please share the show with them and bring them into the tribe. I hope you have a great rest of your day and we’ll talk to you on the next one.


Diane's TV Show: I Have Today

About our Guest

Diane Forster

Diane Forster is the 2020 Global Excellence Award Winner for Life Coach of the Year in California. She is an Executive Contributor for Brainz Magazine. She is a Certified Coach, Mentor, Mastermind Facilitator, and NLP Practitioner, Certified Practitioner in Human Interaction Technology. She is the best-selling author of “I HAVE TODAY: Find Your Passion, Purpose and Smile…Finally!” and five other books. Her LIVE TV Show along with her Podcast, “I Have Today with Diane Forster” and all her other products and programs help people live enriched, empowered, inspiring lives.

In Diane’s Mindset Coaching Practice, she uses her unique processes that produce rapid, positive changes for her clients. They call her, “The Miracle Queen” and the “Dream Come True Maker.” Her 3-step processes, including “Love It! Thank It! Bring It!,” her customized “Mantra Meditations” and her two-part approach called, “Genifesting” allow her clients to feel better, more inspired, and happier while manifesting the changes they seek in their lives, both personally and professionally, incredibly quickly.

Episode Show Notes

Diane Forster is the 2020 Global Excellence Award Winner for Life Coach of the Year in California. She is an Executive Contributor for Brainz Magazine. She is a Certified Coach, Mentor, Mastermind Facilitator, and NLP Practitioner, Certified Practitioner in Human Interaction Technology. She is the best-selling author of “I HAVE TODAY: Find Your Passion, Purpose and Smile…Finally!” and five other books. Her LIVE TV Show along with her Podcast, “I Have Today with Diane Forster” and all her other products and programs help people live enriched, empowered, inspiring lives.

In Diane’s Mindset Coaching Practice, she uses her unique processes that produce rapid, positive changes for her clients. They call her, “The Miracle Queen” and the “Dream Come True Maker.” Her 3-step processes, including “Love It! Thank It! Bring It!,” her customized “Mantra Meditations” and her two-part approach called, “Genifesting” allow her clients to feel better, more inspired, and happier while manifesting the changes they seek in their lives, both personally and professionally, incredibly quickly.


[00:01 – 05:55] Opening Segment

  • Get to know Diane Forster
  • Diane introduces herself and her company
    • Especially for women in their second lives
    • Independence, Freedom, Passion, and Purpose


[05:56 – 12:58] Mastering a Success Mindset

  • An idea in the kitchen winning an Innovation Award
  • Diane’s Wake Up Call
  • It starts with the mindset
  • What are limiting beliefs and how do you get over them?
    • Fear loves familiarity


[12:59 – 25:56] The 8 Step Success Blueprint  

  • Awareness Begets Change
  • How to not lose your power at the start of the day
  • The 8-Step Blueprint for Success
  • It’s always part of the growth experience


[25:57 – 34:25] Closing Segment

  • Quick break for our sponsors
  • What is the best investment you’ve ever made other than your education?
    • Her children
  • Diane’s worst investment
    • An investment with a friend
  • What is the most important lesson that you’ve learned in business and investing?
    • “Always trust your intuition and trust your gut.”
  • Connect with my guest. See the links below.


Tweetable Quotes:

“If you’re not happy, then something needs to change.” – Diane Forster

“Feed this mind and feed ourselves the positive things.” – Diane Forster

“As long as you have the will to make it happen, you will find the way you really will find the way.” – Diane Forster


Connect with Diane Forster through [email protected], Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn.  Visit their website


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About the Host

Taylor on stage

Hi, I’m Taylor. To date I’ve acquired or partnered on over $250 Million in Commercial Real Estate Investments. I help busy professionals invest in multifamily and self storage real estate through my company NT Capital

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